*sigh* life sucks.

By Kelvin Rodeo
fuck att.
i fucking hate this place.
i hate this school.
i hate life.

my self esteem has plummeted far beyond what i’m used to.
i feel like shit here.
it seems like everyone looks down on me and everyone thinks i’m retarded.
all because i’m 25 days behind and still only on mod 14....
fuckin att....

and on top of all that, i might have a sleeping disorder.
i fall asleep all over the place.
i fall asleep even standing up.
hell, believe it or not, I have actually fallen asleep while marching.
today, in fact, on my way to medical, I was walking and the next thing I know i’m in the middle of the road crossing the street.
this shit scares me man....
i don’t know what’s wrong with me....
but I can’t tell them.
I heard shit like this gets people medically discharged....
so fuck that.
they won’t ever find out about that.


i hate life.

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