First Driving Experience.... the States, that is. haha. So today, for the first time ever here in the United States of America, I drove a vehicle. Yup. It wasn't my vehicle, though. It was a duty van here at NAS North Island. Yup, they made me a duty driver today, which means I'm going to be driving all over San Diego for the next week (because I class up next week). I drove over to 32nd street today to drop off this one dude who had to go to Captain's Mast... and then I totally got lost and i didn't know where to go so I started freakin out haha but then I stopped and asked someone for directions but that didn't help cuz they weren't being too clear, and i thought about calling someone to ask for help while driving but then I remembered that I don't think too well when I'm in a disoriented state of mind so I struck that idea quick. so what I ended up doing, was asking someone for directions to the NEX and then I followed those directions and eventually got there, then I bought myself a GPS.... yup. So then I used that to get home. Unfortunately I forgot to mark my location before I left 32nd street, so i'm pretty much screwed if I ever have to go back there to pick someone up on my own. But yeah it was a cool experience, I drove across the Coronado Bay Bridge and didn't freak out, and then I drove on the freeway twice and didn't freak out..... haha. But yeah, I think I did a good job, considering I haven't driven in...oh.... let's say, 15 months?? hahaha.