SUCKS BIG DONKEY DICK!!! I hate it over here..... I wish I were back on Med Hold over at Balboa, lol.... ugh. I'm so pissed right now I am not even in the mood to write.... so I will edit this entry later on. Happy new Year everyone.
Why, you ask? Because. I have come to the conclusion that the Navy is never gonna go anywhere and it'll just continue to keep on sucking for everyone because people just don't care about anyone but themselves. In addition to that, no one ever bothers to correct anything wrong that they see on someone if they don't know them. I just saw a second class walking around in his service uniform with his garrison cap all tilted and shit like he were serving in the WWII Navy.... wow. and then, not even 5 minutes after that incident, I saw a third class walking around in his NWUs and my god was he FUCKED UP. He was wearing the wrong boots, his boot laces weren't tucked in and they were just swinging and swaying around all over the place, AND he didn't blouse his trousers right. I was just like, WTF dude, WTF. It's people like that who will ruin the uniforms for everyone else.... we're all dreaming of the day when we will be allowed to wear our uniforms out in town and shit, but with people like that fucking everything up, that day will never come. Now I suppose you are thinking, well if you feel so strongly about it how come you didn't fix them yourself? Simple answer to that, really. I'm just a stupid measly little airman who's been in for over 2 years and knows a lot because I've gained so much knowledge and information on all things navy in the past 2 years, but still my word means nothing because I don't have a crow on my sleeve, collar, or cover. Nope, because I am still not an NCO, my word means shit and if I would have told those two petty officers to fix themselves, they would have looked at me, laughed, and said who the fuck are you? So I just don't even bother. The part that bugs the shit about me though, is that a bunch of first classes passed by the NWU guy and were obviously looking at him but no one said shit to him. oh well. The Navy is doomed. You see, this is why I KNOW I'd make a good petty officer. Because I have spent the last two years studying up and reading about navy regulations and shit and I know so much but I can't enforce anything cuz I have no rank of any importance.... *sigh* FML. FTN.
SO..... looks like I'll be spending another six months as an E-3.... which will bring my grand total up to... 2 years and six months. *sigh* I hate this shit. Stupid Navy.... that's another six months of being shit on all the time, for those of you who don't know what the life of a non-NCO in today's military is like. I think the part that depresses me the most is that I know people who were my classmates and friends in FC A school who are now either FC2s or senior FC3s at their commands.... and hell, my buddy Mike, who i was in DEP and MEPS and boot camp with, just picked up YN2 with this cycle.... I mean don't get me wrong, yay for them I'm happy for them all but wow how unlucky and unfortunate do I have to be to keep getting screwed outta picking up Third? Like, Seriously?!? SO for those of you who don't know my little Navy bullshit story of how I am STILL an E-3 after over two years, here it is:
- My initial dreams for the Navy were shattered when I got dropped from FC A school for not being able to keep up in a "self-paced course"... with that, I lost my pushbutton Third Class, and that is what I consider to be the first time i got fucked out of PO3...
- Then, when I was about to graduate from AS A school, it was around the time of the next exam... or at least people were getting ready for it and signing worksheets and shit.... and me and a couple of my classmates who were also up for Third kept asking the schoolhouse and bugging them about the exam but all they said was that we had to wait till we graduated since they didn't know if we were really going to graduate and become rated ASs... so when we finally hit graduation we asked about it and they said that it was too late, and that we wouldn't have been able to take it anyway since we were just students.... (which, of course, was total and complete bullshit, because every other schoolhouse was practically forcing their eligible students to go out and take the exam) and so, that was the second time that I got fucked out of PO3 (also, I found out later on that when my LPO was the LPO of the schoolhouse, he used to write special evals all the time for students who were up to take the exam... so he called bullshit on that whole episode too)
- Next, I was on my ship already and the exams were coming up, and then my division wrote me an eval and gave me a P. Everyone who's anyone in the navy KNOWS that a P won't get you anywhere when it comes to the exams. But my division said that I only got a P because it was a special eval since I hadn't been there long enough (I had been there for 4 months when the exam came along)... when the results came out, obviously I didn't make it, and upon reviewing my worksheet with my supervisor, he said that if they had given me an MP instead of a P, I would have made it. (I later found out [which pisses me off even more] that one of the new girls in my shop who just got here right before this last cycle [204] was given an MP by the division, even though she had only been there for like a month and a half! Ain't that some bullshit....
- And then obviously, this last time I got fucked because I had to take the exam after being TAD for almost 7 months (and because the conditions surrounding my TAD weren't so good, I chose to stay as far away from my division and the AS rate as possible), AND my division once again gave me a P. How the hell would they even KNOW how I have been performing in the past 6 months if I haven't been in the division? I just fail to understand how that works. Someone, PLEASE enlighten me. And this was the cycle that the new chick in the shop got an MP. She said they gave her an MP because they wanted her to have a chance. So WTF? Did they just hate me so much and want to fuck me over that bad that they DIDN'T want me to have a chance? WOW what kind of bullshit is THAT?!?
God, I hate my life. The navy sucks and it's full of bullshit.... and now because of all the navy bullshit that I have had to endure, I must spend another 6 months of dealing with being shit on all the time since I'm just a measly worthless little E-3 who doesn't know shit. Oh well. /rant
*sigh* It's just one of those really shitty days, I guess. Oh well. Time for me to live up to my sailor nature and drink my sorrows away... hehe

So I spent my two days off with my buddy Cameron. Yes, Cameron from Great Lakes and Pensacola. I just recently found out that he was stationed up in Everett, so I contacted him as soon as I heard and he got back to me and we decided to chill when I got off of work yesterday morning. I had no idea that he had planned for me to spend the night over there, but that's what ended up happening. So you're probably wondering what's up with the title... well while I was hanging out with Cameron, a bunch of things were running through my mind about life after the Navy.
You see, Cameron went to boot camp on the exact same day that I did. He wasn't in my division, and he ended up graduating a week after I did due to some circumstances that were beyond his control,but we met up after boot camp in our barracks at TSC Great Lakes and became great friends. He left Great Lakes to go on to his AE "A" school, and then I got dropped from FC "A" school so I ended up going to Pensacola as well for AS "A" school and we ended up meeting up again with half of our Great Lakes crew down there as well. We he ended up dropping out of AE "A" school and he got sent down to Meridian, MS for AZ "A" school, and that was the last time I thought I would see him.
He ended up getting stationed on the USS Abraham Lincoln, CVN-72 in Everett, WA and I ended up getting stationed on the USS John C. Stennis, CVN-74 in Bremerton, WA. However, I did not know this until just last month. I also discovered that he was no longer in the Navy. While this bummed me out a little, I knew he was happy to be out because of all the bullshit that's happened to him since he's been in the Navy. On top of all the normal Navy bullshit that everyone has to go through, he has weathered an engagement that cost him a $1700 ring, a marriage which ended up in divorce because his wife cheated on his with a 1st Class Petty Officer and ended up costing him a huge sum of money, he suffers from sleeping disorders and often experiences tremors. So how's that for some fucked up shit, huh? I knew he was happy to be out.
So I ended up hanging out with him all day yesterday, and everything was going great, until the friend that had told him the day before that it was going to be alright for me to spend the night over there suddenly changed her mind. But before I continue on with this story, let me back up a little to explain why I would have had to spend the night at his friend's place. You see, after getting kicked out of the Navy, Cameron didn't want to return to Tennessee, so he found himself a place to share with a couple of his other friends for a while, but they ended up getting kicked out of there due to being excessively loud (yes, they had a bunch of parties... all the time. haha). And so, with nowhere else to go, he resorted to asking some really, really good friends if he could live with them. Being the awesome friends that they are, they let him. He kind of pays his rent by cleaning up the house and taking care of the kids when they're out doing something, and that's totally fine with him. So let's continue the story of what happened up in Everett... Because we couldn't spend the night over at their place, he went over to his other friends' apartment and asked if we could stay there for the night. One of them was very adamant that we weren't going to set foot inside their place (apparently they were friends once, but this particular person went asshole on Cameron over some high school drama type shit). To avoid any problems, the other two who had their names on the lease went with whatever the other guy said.
So we couldn't spend the night over at their place either, and we ended up sleeping in the car. Or so I thought. The owner of the car, another friend of Cameron's, came by and said that he needed the car because he had to get to work in the morning, and so we had to give it back and we were left with no place to go. It was raining hard and getting late, and we had no place to sleep. We ended up hanging out with a couple of Cameron's friends outside the apartment on the front porch. We were able to hang out for a few hours to try to pass the time, but the friends that were with us got tired and went inside after that. So then it was just Cameron and me, sitting outside in the cold rainy weather of Everett, with just a blanket. We ended up falling asleep right there on the porch, looking like a bunch of homeless bums. Ouch.
When the morning came the guy who owned the place told us that we could go inside and sleep for a few hours but we had to leave before 10. So we went inside and passed out and left at around 10. With no car, we had to walk all the way back to Cameron's friend's house, which took us about 50 minutes, give or take a few. We hung out over there for a bit, and then he got a little restless so he decided that we were gonna go to the mall to see if we could turn in some movies at Sam Goody for some cash. We walked all the way over to the mall, which took about another 40 minutes, only to find out that they were only going to accept one of the movies because the others didn't have cases. So he went there to sell his movies in hopes of making some money, and all he got was $6. I suggested that he should go around asking about job openings at random stores in the mall, so he did just that and he found a place that would hire but he had to go print out an application from their website and bring it back to them.
So we left the mall after that and he tried to call up some friends to see if they could pick us up and take us back, but no one was available so we had to walk all the way back to his friend's house. When we got back, we were both very tired so we just sat around in the living room and waited for his friend who owns the car to get back from work. He finally got back at around 6:40 and then Cameron asked if he could take the car so he could drop me off at the ferry terminal. His friend gave him a hard time about it, but eventually let him go. The tank was almost empty, so I filled it with $15 worth of gas, just to make sure that he would get back to his place with some gas left over for his friend.
So I got dropped off at the ferry terminal and made my way back to Bremerton. Wow, I can't believe the events of the past two days. It was definitely a shocker for me. I had no idea that his life was so rough these days. Every time I talked to him it seemed like everything was going great. It deeply saddens me to know that he's living a life like this. I mean I'm glad that he has friends who are so good that they are letting him stay in their home, but that kind of hospitality can only last so long, you know? I mean I hope that it never comes to that, but eventually people who live in other people's homes start to become a know? The host keeps quiet about it, hoping for things to change, until that one day comes when they've had enough and they end up kicking them out..... I hope to God Cameron can find himself a nice paying steady job before that ever happens.
This kind of shit just really bugs me, you know, about life after the Navy.... I just don't want that to happen to me.... and I sure as hell don't like seeing a good friend have to go through that kind of stuff. And so I have decided that after these next two and a half years are up, I'm going to re-enlist for shore duty for another four years.... but hopefully I'll get orders to Guam so I can be closer to home.
By Kelvin Rodeo
So as I'm writing this, it is 0817 on Wedneesday, July 29th, 2009. I got back from a 6 month deployment about 3 weeks ago, and nothing in Bremerton has changed. It's still the same old boring as place that it was before we had left. Well, there is one difference I guess. there's 6000 people here instead of just 3000, because the Lincoln is here in the yards for repairs and shit. I'm still working down on the messdecks. It's not so bad anymore though, I'm pretty much in charge now and everyone else listens to what I say because I am the most senior FSA on the messdecks for night check (for the whole messdecks crew, I come in 3rd place, right after the two guys who are de-nuked so they're there forever anyway and they don't count, lol). Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I hold the keys, I'm in charge of everyone, and I get to take long ass breaks during my work day. Awesome.
Bremerton is still pretty boring. All I've been doing these past couple of days is sitting in my barracks room playing WoW, watching True Blood/Dollhouse/some movie, or reading a book. I've only gone to Seattle once since i've been back. A shame, really. I should be going more often. I think I'm going to plan a trip over there this weekend. See whatever catches my eye, you know?
I hate being on that ship. It's boring and lonely. I don't wanna go back unless I absolutely have to, like on the days when I have to go to work. Other than that I pretty much stay as far away from that big floating chunk of metal as possible. Unfortunately, though, I will have to return tonight because my duty section is working tonight and tomorrow night. It's not bad or anything, it's just so boring. Midrats is a complete joke, and we shouldn't have it when we're in port. Hardly anyone ever eats anyway; we're lucky if we get like 50 people. Usually the numbers don't go past 30. The time and effort it takes for all of us to set up for midrats just isn't worth 30 people, you know?
Well that's all for me I guess. I'm sleepy.... time for bed.
By Kelvin Rodeo
So I've been out to sea for 94 days now, and I can't exactly say that it's been the best 94 days of my life so far. For most people, this deployment has been a blast so far. For me, however, it's been one of many trials and tribulations, many lonely nights sitting alone on the weatherdecks lost in deep thought, and one filled with more than your average fill of navy bullshit.
WHen I started out this deployment in January, I was looking forward to every second of it. Many people said that it would be long and boring, but I told them I'd live. I was really expecting for this whole experience to be a blast for me, but the first problem arose even before we left Bremerton. The first sign that this wouldn't turn out the way I had envisioned was the fact that Brandon got medically discharged the day before we pulled out of Bremerton. The worst part about it, though, was that I had to find out from one of his other friends instead of hearing it from him. I knew it was gonna suck going on deployment without the very person who had played an integral part in my decision to choose orders to the Stennis, but I figured that I'd be able to keep on keeping on anyway.
And so I did just that, I kept on doing what I did in my daily life. I lived day to day (or should I say, night to night) in my shop waiting for the long 34 days to sea to be over with. The day finally came when we hit Hong Kong. At the time, I had a green liberty card, so my liberty expired at 2400. There was another kid in my shop, Dylan, who had gotten to the ship just a few weeks after me, and he had a white liberty card, so we had the same liberty times. We figured it made more sense to go out with each other so we don't inconvenience anyone else (since everyone else either had overnight liberty or didn't have to be back till 0300). So, after 34 days out to sea of having to deal with sooooooo much bullshit (it's what you do on a day to day basis when you're in the Navy), what do you think a bunch of disgruntled sailors will do when they hit land? That's right, we drink. And oh, did we DRINK! We were all pretty sloshed within the first few hours of being in town. However, that didn't stop us from continuing with our festivities. We hit up a few other bars in the next couple of hours that came by, and then we went on a tour that we all referred to as the "booze cruise" because there was a 2 hour open bar on the boat. Needless to say, we all took full advantage of this open bar for the whole two hours that we were there. I could go on and on with more details but long story short, Dylan got too drunk so I brought him back to the ship. When we got back to the ship, he had no idea who I was or who anyone else was and he caused a huge scene at the fantail which resulted in him getting cuffed and strapped to a chair. I was worried sick about him, and it kept me up for a few hours, even though everyone was telling me that it wasn't my fault and that I had done the right thing in bringing him back to the ship before he could cause a scene out in Hong Kong. Everyone was telling me that I wouldn't get in trouble for it because I had done the right thing, but I knew better. I knew that the Navy would somehow find a way to fuck me, and lo and behold, it did.
Our senior chief called us both into his office the day we pulled out and went apeshit on us and called us worthless pieces of shit (or something to that effect) and said that if he had his way, we'd both go all the way up to captain's mast and get restriction and full punishment for our actions and all that shit. And so, in the following week, a DRB was scheduled for Dylan. I was told that I would only have to show up as a witness, but they told me that our senior chief wanted me to show up in dress blues (witnesses are supposed to wear utilities). SO from the start, I had suspected that something was up. After three hours of waiting for them to call Dylan in, they finally called him in, so I started to walk in, thinking that I would be a witness, but our senior chief told me to stay outside until they called me in there. So I waited a few minutes, and then they finally come back outside to pick up Dylan, and then as they were passing my they said I had to come too. They then proceeded to explain the procedures for entering and reporting to us, and at this point my suspicions were confirmed. I had been tricked into a DRB. So then the DRB happened, and then we were told that we had to go to XOI the next day. Once again, I had to be in my dress blues. And so, I went in for XOI, after once again waiting 3 hours for everyone else to go through it. Then my senior chief proceeded to talk all about me and how I fucked up instead of talking about Dylan, like he was supposed to. This just really sent me over the edge. I was furious, but I couldn't do anything to save myself. Everyone knows Khakis always defend khakis, no matter what, and khakis are always right, so there was nothing I could do in my defense. I had to just take it all and absorb it like a sponge.
But I had already absorbed my share of navy bullshit, and the sponge had already been fully soaked. That night at work, I disappeared for a few minutes to an hour (I really don't remember how long it was, I just remember that it was long enough for people in the shop to start wondering where the hell I was). I was sitting out on the weatherdecks thinking about life and everything that had been happening to me and all I could think about was that I couldn't take it anymore, and I sure as hell wouldn't be able to deal with this kind of bullshit for the next three years. The thought of jumping crossed my mind a few times, since I remember that my senior chief had told me during one of his many bitching sessions that he wouldn't care if I just jumped off the side of the ship because I was that worthless to him, but I didn't do it because I wasn't trying to kill myself, I just wanted to get off the ship. So anyway, when I returned to my division a second class was bitching at me about being gone and all that shit, and at this point I was already starting to tear up from all the frustration and I told her that I was so close to just jumping off the side of the ship because I was so frustrated with everything that had been going on. Stupid me. As you can probably imagine, that didn't turn out well at all. She put two and two together and decided that I was going to try to hurt myself (even though that was never my intention in the first place) so she dragged my ass down to medical and posted a suicide watch on me, which lasted all through the night and into half of the next day. Yeah. It sucked. I was stuck down in medical and I couldn't leave for anything. So when that whole ordeal was over, everyone in my shop was cracking jokes at me about how i pussied out of captain's mast by saying I was gonna kill myself. I wasn't even thinking about how I had missed mast because of the suicide watch. It somehow slipped my mind that night. So what did I get out of all this, you ask? For doing my job as a liberty buddy and bringing my buddy back onto the ship before he could get belligerent and cause a big scene out in town, I was awarded Class Charlie Liberty Risk for the next port. This is something that pissed me off on so many levels it's not even funny. Why? Because the next port was...
Sasebo. So we pull into Sasebo, Japan and I'm stuck on the ship just watching everyone go out on liberty. Of all the ports to restrict me to the boat, they just had to choose JAPAN. Those of you who know me KNOW how crazy I get about Japan. I already had everything planned out, too, before they hit me with liberty risk. I was supposed to go out with a few friends, get some great japanese food, and be an awesome translator for everyone and go check out Nagasaki. But none of that happened because I was stuck on the boat. Let me tell you something, being stuck on the boat all day, for four days straight, isn't fun. I don't care that everyone was telling me I didn't miss much since Sasebo really didn't have much to offer. They were missing the point. They didn't know how much I loved Japan and how much I had been wanting to go back for years. I finally had my chance on this deployment and I missed it due to some fine navy bullshit. So then we pulled out of Sasebo and I got off of Charlie and upgraded to Bravo for...
Busan, South Korea. Bravo liberty expires at 2000 and requires an E-5 or above liberty buddy, and requires for you and your liberty buddy to muster with your department head every morning and check out with security before leaving, on top of checking out on your regular liberty logs. Korea wasn't too bad. I had already been here before but the last time I was here I didn't get to explore like I did this year. It really sucked trying to find a liberty buddy before we pulled in, but eventually everything fell into place because Josh checked in the night before we pulled in and his sponsor was an E-5 so I just asked if they minded if I tagged along and they said it was fine. The reason things went in my favor was because Josh was a good friend of Whisman back in Pensacola after I left and so Whisman had asked me to look after him when he got here. He told Josh all about me too so when I met him we immediately clicked. So I pretty much got a free ride for the first day in Korea. The next day I had duty so I was stuck on the ship the whole day, but the third day I had to ask around again and I found out that another second class was taking Josh out, so I ended up going out with them on that day. The last day I woke up really late and I figured there were no second classes left so I ended up staying on the ship again. It was a good port I guess, I bought a bunch of stuff but I'd say the best thing about it was making new friends since we had a couple of new check-ins. Shortly after we pulled out of Busan, I received word that I would be going cranking down on the messdecks. This came as a shock to me, and at first I didn't quite know how to take it, but then it hit me--this was the big break from the division that I had been waiting for for so long. So then I started cranking. It wasn't so bad at first; hell, it isn't too bad right now, but the only problem I have is all the retarded people that come through in the morning... they really just redefine the word stupid.
Something did happen, though, within the first week that I went cranking. I was really excited at first when I found out that Cole and I would be working the same shift on the same messdecks. It was like I was finally getting an answer to my problems (because up until that point where we were both sent cranking, I really had lost just about all contact with Cole since we were on different schedules). Things were great for the first few days, but then out of nowhere everything changed and suddenly the man I had seen as my best friend for the past year decided to throw our years' worth of friendship out the window. The last words he spoke to me were "You're a piece of shit!!!" And that was that, in the blink of an eye, our friendship was over. I didn't know what the hell had just happened, all I knew was that it enraged me to even think about it. How could someone just throw something great like that out the window out of nowhere? I just couldn't understand, and thinking about it was only making everything worse for me. We just never talked to each other after that; it was as if we didn't exist to each other anymore. As much as I wish that were true, though, and as much as I wish I had moved on with my life already, random memories would just pop into my head at random times of the day. I always hated the fact that I would suddenly start remembering shit outta nowhere. The truth is that I missed the good ol' days and I was never gonna be able to move on until I got proper closure. Simply calling me a piece of shit and then just walking away wasn't going to do it. So things were just really not looking too good for me at this point. I had gotten slapped with Liberty Risk for no reason, which caused me to miss Japan, and then I lost my best friend. Yeah, it sucked. So three weeks go by and we pull into....
Laem Chebang, Thailand. This port really depressed me at first. In the weeks leading up to it, everyone around me seemed to already be making plans to do a bunch of fun things. I couldn't do anything about it because as much as I tried to work my ass off in hopes of getting a blue liberty card, I knew deep down that no matter how hard I worked for a blue card, I'd still be stuck with Alpha liberty risk. It just really kinda depressed me, and so I just never bothered to make any plans. The worst part hit me the night before we pulled in; It suddenly hit me (again) that everyone else was about to get off the boat and have a blast and if I didn't act fast I'd be stuck on the boat. I ended up signing out with Clary on the first day because I really couldn't find anyone else. We went out, did some shopping and some walking around town, but that was pretty much our day. It was pretty boring, really. I had duty the next night so I decided to stay on the boat anyway (even though I could have left the ship if I wanted to). The next morning I ended up going on liberty with Dube and we met up with a bunch of my red shirt buddies at Hard Rock hotel and we had a lot of fun hanging out with them all day until we had to come back because Dube was on duty on that night. You see, my experience in Thailand was definitely not as good as it could have been because of my alpha liberty risk. I was kinda "forced" to choose Dube as my liberty buddy on that day because I couldn't find anyone else who would be willing to come back to the ship by 2200 and I figured since he had duty he'd be coming back early anyway so we ended up coming back at around 1730. The last day was the best one for me because although I was once again having a little difficulty finding a liberty buddy in the morning, Josh eventually found me and said that he would go out with me. It was a good bonding experience. On the way over to the bus we even met up with Whisman and some of the guys that he works with. We tried to make joint plans but that didn't turn out too well. Oh well. Josh and I went to Donato's hotel and checked if they were there but they were still asleep when we called so we decided to just walk along the beach road and see what interested us. After much bargaining and talking down of prices, we ended up with our bags full of stuff that we bought from the vendors so we decided to take a little break to eat at the mall. We ordered a ton of Japanese food (gee, I wonder who made that suggestion.... haha) and stuffed our faces. It was a great meal. Then Josh thought it would be a great idea to walk into the alleys and look for a hidden bar somewhere where we weren't likely to find any other Navy guys at. We finally found one after walking around for a couple of minutes so we went in and started drinking. Not too much, though. We only drank till we got "halfway wasted" (whatever that means, lol). Then we went to check out the Ripley's Believe it or Not exhibit in one of the other malls, so we walked all the way out there till we got to it. It was alright, I guess. Lots of interesting things. On our way back to the hotel we got caught up in the Thai celebration of Loi Krathong (at least, I think that's what they called it), their new year. everyone was throwing water everywhere and getting everyone wet. We both got soaked. I didn't mind getting wet so much, I was just worried that my laptop might have gotten wet (which it didn't, thank God). So We got back on the ship and I got changed into my uniform and went down to the messdecks to work. I was like a minute or two late for muster though, but it didn't seem like that big of a deal. I was still pretty wasted though and everyone noticed it. Luckily for me, no one said a damn thing to anyone that mattered. That was cutting it a little too close, even for me. But I got out of it safely and now it's back to business as usual.
So that's been my life on deployment so far, nothing too exciting really. Just a bunch of Navy bullshit and unjustified punishment. I could have been enjoying this deployment with full liberty just like everyone else around me was. But oh well. What's done is done and there's not use in dwelling on the dead issues of the past. Whatever happens now, happens and I will just have to accept it. I just can't wait to come home already. I miss my family. Being back in Bremerton is going to suck, though. Because I will have to face living in Bremerton without Brandon and Cole, and they were they only ones that made living in Bremerton tolerable. Oh well. It'll be a new experience for me I suppose. I just gotta carry on now. Save up for my car and the trip back home to Saipan that I will someday be taking.
So, if you made it this far, congratulations and thank you for reading through my horrendously boring story. Most people probably started reading this, and then realized after the second paragraph that it was way too long to keep their interest. Oh well. So that's my life. Stay tuned for more (if you want to). I don't know when the next time I'll be able to post anything is, though.
Rodeo, out.
By Kelvin Rodeo
Long story short, your perfect joe navy sailor over here has turned into your typical, every day ftn sailor.